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I, Moose, officially hate Windows Media Player. That being said, here's the Gaia Online thing.


Gaia Online is a website where you post on forums to earn gold, Gaia's currency. You can use the gold to buy clothes and housing items for your avatar, a little picture thing that represents you on the forums.
They have a lot of different forums were you can talk about music, art, anime, politics, or random crap. It's glorious.
There's also guilds, things that you can become a member of that has private forums just for other members.
They have some pretty decent games too, where you can earn gold or items.
Every now and then they have events where you can post on certian forums to get stuff and read manga going along with the event.


There's tons of equippable items on Gaia to make your avatar look as awesome, or un-awesome as you want. You can do something cute, creepy, crazy, or anything else. Some people cosplay their favorite anime or movie characters, or have a theme of some sort.
Some examples of awesome avatars-

The Forums

Gaia has 27 forums, not including subforums and guilds. I'm not going to list them all- but you can see them here.
Brief overview of a couple of them:

How to make a decent username

Usernames are pretty important on Gaia. You need one that suits you and is creative.
A good username has no numbers in it, unless they're part of the name. If the name you want is taken, come up with something else. Dont just toss a 7348 at the end- that just screams unoriginality. The following characters can be used in a username:
A-Z 1-6 - _ ! # ^ ( ) + = [ ] . ` ~

A good hint for a cool username
Combining an adjective (something that describes something) with a noun (person, place, thing, idea) usually sounds pretty awesome. Seperate the two words with a space, or any special character gaia usernames can have in them.
It's not reccomended to use a lot of x's, those are really overused and stupid-looking.

So you're a youngling, eh?

First things first-
A noob is a loser that begs other users for gold and stuff and cant spell if their life depended on it.
A newbie is a person that is new to the site, and politely asks questions about how things work.

Gaia terms and definitions

Gaia has a lot of different words that are often used in other internet things.
Words like LAWL, ORLY, and SRSLY are often used in a sarcastic way that makes fun of how idiots talk.
Lawl is basically how lol sounds when you say it outloud.
ORLY just means "oh really"
SRSLY is "seriously"
There's a lot more out there, but I'm lazy, so if you get stuck look them up here