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Layout by: Soundless-Words Brushes: Hybrid-Genesis Image: Aethereality Image 2: Getty ImagesEvercrack- the other white meat
Ok i just wanted to get this straight with everyone, EQ2>WoW. I dont know why ppl are so into WoW, its not all that good of a game, ppl dont have much of a right to even compare it to EQ2. Ok now that we got that over with, heres some stuff about EQ!!So, heres the low down on EQ2. EQ2 is a vast MMORPG that takes place in the world of Norrath. In this game there are currently 3 factions doing battle. There are the Qeynotians, Freeportians, and Kelethins. Qeynotians are the people who live in the city of Qeynos. Qeynos is a good city, filled with kind, law abiding citizens. They fight and die for their Queen and protect the ways of the light. Freeportians are people who live in the city of Freeport. Freeport is an evil city, filled with murderous, bloodthirsty people who only care about themselves and what can be done for them. They serve under the iron fist of the Overlord. Kelethins are people who live within the tree top city of Kelethin. They are nature people, who love the outdoors and charish nature. They are allys with the city of Qeynos and fight to stop the rising evil throughout Norrath.
In everquest 2 you can start off with the choice of any of these races.
After you have chosen your race you can go onto your class. Each class has their own strenths and weaknesses, but some classes can only be good or evil.
The Game
In the game you can join into lots of different kind of serevers, roleplaying, exchange, regular and (my favorite) pvp. When you join into one of these servers you can get into the online fantasy of EQ2. Each server has different things that make them special. In a Roleplaying server, you get to interact with others as if you are the character and well Roleplay. In an Exchange server, you can use real money to buy items for your character and use them in the game. In a regular server, you just basically start your character off and do quests/groups/raids to lvl up and adventure through Norrath. PvP servers are servers just like regular servers exept for the fact that it is good vs evil. If you are out adventuring as a Qeynosian and you see a freep, you can just automatically jump on eachother and go at it. There are level ranges for pvp, so you dont have to worry about being a lvl 12 and getting hit by a lvl 70. I am currently in the server of Veneko(pvp). If you get into the game, I will see you on the battlefield :D